
Zebrafish sperm quality assessment for reproductive toxicity

Reproductive toxicity, also known as reprotoxicity, refers to any substance with a potentially toxic effect on the process of reproduction.

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In vivo toxicology studies

In vivo toxicology is the study of the effect of the toxicity of certain drugs on a live organism, usually an animal. This is in contrast to in vitro.

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Solutions to Animal Testing

For countless years, animals have played a critical role in the advancement of science and the development of medicine. This is because many animals.

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Alternatives to Animal Models

The final aim for every medicine is to be as much efficacious as possible while minimizing the potential adverse effects that could arise from the.

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Different Types of Animal Models

Animal models are used to study the prevention and diagnosis of human diseases and the development of vaccines and pharmaceutical products. Many.

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Reduce Refine Replace: How to Follow the 3Rs

The 3Rs principle of Reduce, Refine, Replace has been in existence for over 50 years. The policy sets a framework for humane research on animals when.

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Use of Animals in Research: Benefits and Alternatives

The role of living organisms and animal models in scientific research has a long history. From Aristotle’s first observations on biology to the.

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Alternative Toxicological Methods for Preclinical Research

To facilitate pharmaceutical development, it is essential for scientists to study the effects drugs, substances, chemicals and other agents have on.

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Cost of Animal Testing: Benefits of Alternative Methods

The process of Drug Discovery involves many stages of testing and multiple layers of government regulations. Each step involves a series of complex.

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What is Daphnia: Environmental Model

An organism also known as the water flea, Daphnia is an environmental model species used for the study of ecotoxicity. This freshwater crustacean is.

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