
Transgenic Animal Models in Biomedical Research

Thanks to the Human Genome Project completed in 2003, now we have a detailed catalog of human genome variation associated with many diseases. Despite.

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Zebrafish Screening: Studies That Can be Conducted with Zebrafish

The Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is becoming a highly popular animal model in research. There are several reasons for this choice including not only its.

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The FET Test: Uses and Models

The FET (fish embryo toxicity) Test has been designed as an alternative to the acute toxicity test. The acute toxicity test exposes live fish to.

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Transgenic Animal Models in Biomedical Research

Modern Drug Discovery and development uses a wide variety of cutting-edge tools and scientific technologies. Genetic engineering performed with.

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How Can GFP Zebrafish Be Used for Drug Discovery?

Building a full understanding of how newly discovered molecules and chemical compounds interact with the biological system starts at the earliest.

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Danio Breeding: How to Care for Zebrafish

Danio Rerio – or as they are commonly known, Zebrafish – have been making a splash in the world of pharmaceutical research and Drug Discovery. The.

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Danio Rerio: Everything You Need to Know

Zebrafish research is a successful alternative model to rodents, which have been commonly used in medical research for years.

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Zebrafish Care: Housing and Care Guide

The correct care of Zebrafish is essential to maintain their health and well-being as suitable specimens for pharmaceutical research and development..

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Zebrafish Behavior Analysis for Preclinical Research

The Drug Discovery process and its many stages of research are sometimes seen as an abstract science. Newly discovered compounds and unknown diseases.

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Zebrafish and Epilepsy: Alternative Models for Studying Epilepsy

Zebrafish and Epilepsy: Alternative Models for Studying Epilepsy Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disease that approximately 3.4.

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