Fish and Their Role in Regulatory Guidelines
There is a vast array of international guidelines that implement fish and amphibians as models for screening. One of the more relevant is the.
There is a vast array of international guidelines that implement fish and amphibians as models for screening. One of the more relevant is the.
Fish serve as fascinating models in scientific research, offering valuable insights across various fields such as genetics, toxicology, developmental.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act 2.0 was signed by the USA President Biden on December 29th,2022 as a cornerstone of.
In the realm of modern biology, understanding the intricate machinery of life demands a comprehensive approach. "Omics" technologies, are a suite of.
Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of processes and equipment is paramount In scientific research and manufacturing, Two key concepts that play a.
Derived from the tobacco plant Nicotiana, nicotine is a naturally occurring alkaloid that can be an extremely addictive stimulant. If consumed.
Background on the tobacco industry As of 2022, the global tobacco market was valued at approximately 867.55 USD billion, and it is projected to.
Cardiovascular diseases represent the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and are responsible for 25-30% of today’s deaths worldwide..
Within the field of Drug Discovery and Development the term “New Alternative Methodologies” (NAMs) refers to the use of new and innovative testing.
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been used as a New Alternative Model (NAM) for the last 40 years. This organism conserves approximately 70% of gene.